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    sexta-feira, agosto 17, 2012

    Julian Assange asylum: any right fo US to claim defense of human rights is long gone

     Is there anyone in their right mind who believes that the UK government would make such an unprecedented threat if this were just about an ordinary foreign citizen wanted for questioning – not criminal charges or a trial – by a foreign government?

    Why is this case so significant? It is probably the first time that a citizen fleeing political persecution by the US has been granted political asylum by a democratic government seeking to uphold international human rights conventions.

    The idea of the US government as a human rights defender, which was believed mostly in the US and allied countries, was premised on a disregard for the human rights of the victims of US wars and foreign policy, such as the 3 million Vietnamese or more than one million Iraqis who were killed, and millions of others displaced, wounded, or abused because of US actions. That idea – that the US should be judged only on what it does within its borders – is losing support as the world grows more multipolar economically and politically, Washington loses power and influence, and its wars, invasions, and occupations are seen by fewer people as legitimate.

    read article by Mark Weisbrot
    Julian Assange asylum: Ecuador is right to stand up to the US | Mark Weisbrot | Comment is free |

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    Às 20/03/2019, 08:39 , Blogger mmaariana disse...

    I have to read your blog. nice blog! thank you1


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