This is how Terminator started
also on April 21, 2011, it was announced that
President Obama has
authorized the use of unmanned robot aircraft to patrol the skies of Libya,
blasting our opponents into oblivion in scenes that will seem eerily familiar
to James Cameron fans everywhere. The next day, 25
people were killed half a world away in Pakistan by another U.S. drone
attack, stirring once again Pakistani anger over America's ability to use
squadrons of super-sophisticated unmanned high tech aircraft supported by
orbiting networks of U.S. satellite technology to lay waste to primitive mud

while in Cameron's vision the attacks against humans were carried out by a bloodless, soulless enemy run amok, in reality the attacks represent an effort by actual human beings to use technology to destroy other human beings without actually putting the attackers at risk. While this may be the ultimate in warfare, the over-the-horizon silver bullet that assures the safety of the man or woman pulling the trigger, it is also an approach to warfare that contains not one but several moral hazards.
Read the article at
osted By David Rothkopf

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