Argentinos, Simpsons, Maconha, Wikileaks & a internet paralela no fundo da mina
Vai convidar um argentino para jantar na sua casa?
Eis o que voce pode preparar para ele, com muito carinho (:=>)
Estas son las 10 comidas que los argentinos detestan
envenenan nuestro aliento, nos caen pesado o, simplemente, nos enervan porque sí
O buraco é mais embaixo!!
The Note that Made a Country Cry
For almost three weeks, 33 miners have been trapped underground in Chile. Dom Phillips reports on the remarkable messages they sent through a hole that told the country they were still alive.
daily beast

Google-Verizon plan: Why you should worry
the game is on to create a parallel Internet. It'll still be packet-switched. But they won't call it the Internet anymore. That's an end game we should not encourage.

A retaliação não tardou:
Wikileaks' Julian Assange "not a rapist" -- CIA smears?
It appears Julian Assange has that of which few nerds even dare to dream: Swedish groupies. Women go wild for radical transparency.
Para quem não sabe quem é Julian Assange:
U.S. Military Scapegoats WikiLeaks
Barely four years old, the whistleblowing organization has proved a gallant David against earth's Goliath states, spilling secrets of nations engaged in war and of corrupt officials enriching themselves at the expense of unknowing populations.
crabby golightly

Ivan Lessa. Abaixo os Simpsons!
. Não somos, no entanto, os únicos burraldos na face da Terra.
bbc brasil
Facebook Blocks Ads For Pot Legalization Campaign
While Facebook is banning the ad, a number of conservative and liberal blogs and news outlets have agreed to run it beginning on Tuesday.

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