Son of a bitch! Lost,. Facebook, Twitter, Times & British Petroleum.

Para bom humorista, 140 toques bastam
Comediantes usam o Twitter como hobby ou simplesmente como exercício para fazer 'stand-up comedy'
99% das notícias de blogs vêm de jornais ou da TV
as histórias que ganham a atenção das redes sociais diferem daquelas cobertas pela maioria das mídias tradicionais.
folha via conteudo livre

Dica de Nelito Fernandes
Todo mundo querendo ser moderno e o The Times faz um site que parece um jornal de papel, lindo.
Empresa usou a fábula dos tres porquinhos para definir casas para seus empregados
Read BP's Shocking Memo, Calculating What a Life Is Worth
given that a $500,000 valve might have prevented the massive spill that is now threatening to devastate the Gulf of Mexico, one has to wonder
daily beast
Facebook vira filme:
Mark Zuckerberg, Movie Villain
Thanks to Zuckerberg and his team, right now an immense and ever-growing number of people are unemployable because their Facebook postings, under their real name, reveal them to be pretty unfit for any kind of jobs like legal secretary or nurse or DMV employee.
daily beast

Zuckerberg responde:
From Facebook, answering privacy concerns with new settings
We have heard that some people don't understand how their personal information is used and worry that it is shared in ways they don't want
washington post
Dica de Ana Maria Bahiana:

Lost: 6 Seasons Of Sawyer Saying "Son Of A Bitch"
In addition to "live together, die alone," Sawyer's "son of a bitch" has become a Lost catchphrase, employed when he's angry, happy, confused, injured, and as a greeting—it's like his "aloha."